The Society’s Planning sub-committee carry out their work in the fields of planning and the environment, in order to protect the character of Hampstead. Hampstead is a conservation area of unique quality, due to its topography, the Heath, the range and quality of its buildings, and Hampstead’s historical association with clean water and fresh air.
The sub-committee scrutinises all planning applications in the Hampstead area and assesses them with particular reference to
• their impact on our Conservation Areas
• the character and appearance of our architecture, streets, trees and other urban detail
• traffic
• parking issues
• overlooking
• intrusion
• obstruction.
The sub-committee also:
• Recommends changes and amendments to Camden’s planning policies affecting Hampstead;
• Gives evidence at planning appeals, usually in support of Camden’s refusal of permission
• Raises special initiatives aimed at improving the protection of our Conservation areas;
• Responds to consultation papers from Camden and Ministries;
• Participates in the work of the Hampstead Conservation Area Advisory Committee and the Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum;
• Liaises with neighbouring associations with similar objectives, with some initiatives being made jointly for greater effect;
• Aims to maintain the interest and effective support of local councillors, council officers and other bodies.