The Heath and Hampstead Planning Sub – Committee works to protect and enhance the character of Hampstead.
We review all planning applications affecting the conservation areas of Hampstead. We make constructive comments and raise objections whenever these are appropriate, where proposals may be damaging to the character of our Conservation Areas.
We work with Camden Council to positively influence planning policies affecting Hampstead.
We give evidence at Planning appeals, usually in support of Camden’s refusal of permission.
We work with Camden’s tree officers to protect endangered trees and encourage the planting of new ones.
Contact us for further information, if you are concerned about a planning application or if you need advice on fighting an appeal.

High buildings seen from Hampstead Heath. Maintaining the openness of the Heath:The skyline to the South and South East of Hampstead Heath is of vital importance to the amenity of Hampstead Heath . It has an immediate impact on long range views over the whole of London from both Parliament Hill and the fields and …
7 reasons why we are objecting again. Download as PDF or
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After years of hard work and hours spent consulting, meeting and drafting, the Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan has been voted in by an overwhelming majority. 91.5% voting in favour on a 20.5% turnout. The final step is for Camden to formally adopt the Plan, which could take a few months; meanwhile the plan carries substantial weight …
Summary of a talk to the Society on 23 May 2013 by Dr Michael de Freitas, Chartered Geologist and Director of First Steps Ltd, also Emeritus Reader of Engineering Geology at Imperial College London. What every resident should know about geology, groundwater and basement excavation
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Read MoreThe ingredients that contribute to subsidence are: London Clay, water, trees and leaking drains. Trees however only have a ‘walk-on’ part: they do not contribute to subsidence without the primary role of water acting on clay first…
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You might have wondered whether the hidden rivers of London matter all that much, because they’re… well… hidden! Not any more:
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