Notice of the Annual General Meeting
Notice is given that the 123rd Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held on Wednesday 21 July 2021 at 7.30 pm at St Stephen’s, Rosslyn Hill, London NW3 2PP.
The business of the meeting, which will include business which would have been transacted at the 2020 Annual General Meeting had it been able to be held, will be as follows:
In summary
The Society has a proud record of achievement going back over 120 years. Next time you stroll across the Heath, or enjoy the charm of Hampstead’s urban village ambience, think of all those residents, past and present, members of the Heath and Hampstead Society, who have helped create the community that has preserved them.
Throughout our history we have had to deal with many serious issues but we also try to have fun, and we extend a warm welcome to all new members, whether offering to take an active part or simply lending their support by joining. Why not join us?
How we work
Freezing on top of Parliament Hill during a winter inspection of the Heath.
Sweltering inside the Town Hall on a summer’s evening. Trying to stay awake whilst slogging through a 350-page summary of the Government’s latest planning directive. Enjoying a glass of something whilst a sub-committee chair highlights the glories of Arts and Crafts-style architecture.
The work of the Society’s committees is nothing if not varied. What it does have in common however, is that it is entirely voluntary. Yet without the skills and dedication of those who serve on them, the work of the Society would be in vain.
The General Committee (the Society’s trustees) meets six times a year and is ultimately responsible for the Society’s affairs. Its members are locally active and have usually worked on the sub-committees, of which there are three: Heath, Town and Planning. Heath and Town meet every second month and Planning meets monthly: between them they are responsible for the day-to-day business of the Society.
A lot of work goes on between each of these meetings. Regular ‘inspections’ of the Heath are made. Papers are prepared on matters of interest and concern. Representations are made to Camden, English Heritage and the City. Informal meetings are held. And most matters affecting the Heath and Hampstead are considered.